Upcoming and recent talks
2024: The poet affirmeth
MIT, September 16
2024: Reference and Persistence
Universität Bochum, July 9
2024: Lügen und Irreführen: Theorie und Ethik
Universität Frankfurt, June 21
2024: Stories and the common ground
Universität Tübingen, May 2
2024: Generative AI and human speech acts
UNSW, April 9
2024: Is lying morally wrong?
Australian National University, March 14
2024: Names, pronouns and persistence
University of Adelaide, March 1
2024: Is lying morally wrong?
University of Sydney, February 21
2023: Persistence context-sensitivity
Freie Universität Berlin, Workshop "Thinking and talking about time and change", December 13–14
2023: Deception, responsibility and the morality of lying
University of Valenica, Workshop "Lying and Truthfulness", November
2023: Lügen und Irreführen mit Daten: Gibt es einen moralisch relevanten Unterschied?
Zentrum für Wissenschaftstheorie Münster, Ringvorlesung "Lügen und Irreführen mit Daten", November
2023: Fiktion und Lüge
Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Workshop "Fiktion & Wirklichkeit", October
2023: Names, pronouns and persistence
Umeå University, Colloquium, October
2023: Speech acts in fiction and non-fiction
Uppsala University, Workshop "Between fiction and non-fiction", June
2023: Telling stories, telling lies
University of St Andrews, Workshop "Lies without assertion", June
2023: Lügen, Irreführen und kommunikative Verantwortung
Universität Erfurt, Kolloquium Seminar für Philosophie, April
2022: Fictive utterances as constative speech acts
LOGOS group, Barcelona, November
2022: Fictive utterances as constative speech acts
ZAS Berlin, November (online)
2022: Misinformation and free speech
Universität Bochum, EXTRA Colloquium, October
2022: Speech acts in fiction
GAP.11, HU Berlin, September
2022: Narrating science: a view from philosophy of language
LMU München, Workshop "(No) More Stories: The New Challenges of Science Communication", July
2022: On the semantics of persistence
Universität Bonn, Persistence in Stability Workshop, July
2022: Narrating science: a view from philosophy of language
LMU München, CAS research group "Persuading under Uncertainty", June
2022: On the semantics and metasemantics of perdurance
University of Sydney, Time and Self Workshop, May
2022: The poet affirmeth: on speech acts in fiction
University of Sydney, Departmental Seminar, May
2022: Making sense of AI speech acts
Forschungszentrum Jülich, May (with Patrick Butlin)
2022: The poet affirmeth: on speech acts in fiction
University of Adelaide, Departmental Seminar, May
2022: The poet affirmeth: on speech acts in fiction
University of Melbourne, Departmental Seminar, April
2021: Lügen, Irreführen und die Frage nach der Täuschungsabsicht
Ringvorlesung, Oldenburg, May
2021: Lügen mit Bildern
Vortragsreihe Lüge und Wahrheit, Philosophische Gesellschaft Zürich, April
2021: Bald-faced misleading
SMCSL Network Workshop, January
2020: Lob der Vermutung: Sprechakte in der Krisenkommunikation
Institutstag, Freie Universität Berlin, November
2020: Assertive accuracy in pictorial communication
Oberseminar Theoretische Philosophie, University of Duisburg-Essen, July, (with Lukas Lewerentz)
2020: Insincerity in linguistic and pictorial communication
Serious Metaphysics Group, University of Cambridge, January
2020: Lying without language
Workshop on lying and thick concepts, Ruhr University Bochum, January
2019: Lying, misleading and hedging
Variables and the (Meta)semantics of Context-Sensitivity, Vienna, September
*2019: Lying, misleading and commitment
PLM5 Conference, St Andrews, August
2019: Panel discussion: Nun sag, wie hast du’s mit der Wahrheit? Redlichkeit und Sachlichkeit im öffentlichen Diskurs
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, Free University Berlin, June
2019: Lying and misleading: it's complicated
Departmental colloquium, Zurich, April (with Felix Timmermann)
2019: Zur Theorie und Ethik des Lügens
Departmental colloquium, Hamburg, April
2018: Copredication, polysemy and property-inheritance
Workshop The (meta)semantics of context-sensitivity and ambiguity, Berlin, October
2018: Lying and misleading with pictures
Conference Deception and Authenticity in Art: Morality, Language and Aesthetics, Uppsala, April
2018: Lügen als Festlegen
Workshop on theoretical and ethical aspects of lying, Zurich, March
2018: Kann eine Frage eine Lüge sein?
Lecture in series wahr und falsch, Zurich, March
2024: The poet affirmeth
MIT, September 16
2024: Reference and Persistence
Universität Bochum, July 9
2024: Lügen und Irreführen: Theorie und Ethik
Universität Frankfurt, June 21
2024: Stories and the common ground
Universität Tübingen, May 2
2024: Generative AI and human speech acts
UNSW, April 9
2024: Is lying morally wrong?
Australian National University, March 14
2024: Names, pronouns and persistence
University of Adelaide, March 1
2024: Is lying morally wrong?
University of Sydney, February 21
2023: Persistence context-sensitivity
Freie Universität Berlin, Workshop "Thinking and talking about time and change", December 13–14
2023: Deception, responsibility and the morality of lying
University of Valenica, Workshop "Lying and Truthfulness", November
2023: Lügen und Irreführen mit Daten: Gibt es einen moralisch relevanten Unterschied?
Zentrum für Wissenschaftstheorie Münster, Ringvorlesung "Lügen und Irreführen mit Daten", November
2023: Fiktion und Lüge
Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Workshop "Fiktion & Wirklichkeit", October
2023: Names, pronouns and persistence
Umeå University, Colloquium, October
2023: Speech acts in fiction and non-fiction
Uppsala University, Workshop "Between fiction and non-fiction", June
2023: Telling stories, telling lies
University of St Andrews, Workshop "Lies without assertion", June
2023: Lügen, Irreführen und kommunikative Verantwortung
Universität Erfurt, Kolloquium Seminar für Philosophie, April
2022: Fictive utterances as constative speech acts
LOGOS group, Barcelona, November
2022: Fictive utterances as constative speech acts
ZAS Berlin, November (online)
2022: Misinformation and free speech
Universität Bochum, EXTRA Colloquium, October
2022: Speech acts in fiction
GAP.11, HU Berlin, September
2022: Narrating science: a view from philosophy of language
LMU München, Workshop "(No) More Stories: The New Challenges of Science Communication", July
2022: On the semantics of persistence
Universität Bonn, Persistence in Stability Workshop, July
2022: Narrating science: a view from philosophy of language
LMU München, CAS research group "Persuading under Uncertainty", June
2022: On the semantics and metasemantics of perdurance
University of Sydney, Time and Self Workshop, May
2022: The poet affirmeth: on speech acts in fiction
University of Sydney, Departmental Seminar, May
2022: Making sense of AI speech acts
Forschungszentrum Jülich, May (with Patrick Butlin)
2022: The poet affirmeth: on speech acts in fiction
University of Adelaide, Departmental Seminar, May
2022: The poet affirmeth: on speech acts in fiction
University of Melbourne, Departmental Seminar, April
2021: Lügen, Irreführen und die Frage nach der Täuschungsabsicht
Ringvorlesung, Oldenburg, May
2021: Lügen mit Bildern
Vortragsreihe Lüge und Wahrheit, Philosophische Gesellschaft Zürich, April
2021: Bald-faced misleading
SMCSL Network Workshop, January
2020: Lob der Vermutung: Sprechakte in der Krisenkommunikation
Institutstag, Freie Universität Berlin, November
2020: Assertive accuracy in pictorial communication
Oberseminar Theoretische Philosophie, University of Duisburg-Essen, July, (with Lukas Lewerentz)
2020: Insincerity in linguistic and pictorial communication
Serious Metaphysics Group, University of Cambridge, January
2020: Lying without language
Workshop on lying and thick concepts, Ruhr University Bochum, January
2019: Lying, misleading and hedging
Variables and the (Meta)semantics of Context-Sensitivity, Vienna, September
*2019: Lying, misleading and commitment
PLM5 Conference, St Andrews, August
2019: Panel discussion: Nun sag, wie hast du’s mit der Wahrheit? Redlichkeit und Sachlichkeit im öffentlichen Diskurs
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, Free University Berlin, June
2019: Lying and misleading: it's complicated
Departmental colloquium, Zurich, April (with Felix Timmermann)
2019: Zur Theorie und Ethik des Lügens
Departmental colloquium, Hamburg, April
2018: Copredication, polysemy and property-inheritance
Workshop The (meta)semantics of context-sensitivity and ambiguity, Berlin, October
2018: Lying and misleading with pictures
Conference Deception and Authenticity in Art: Morality, Language and Aesthetics, Uppsala, April
2018: Lügen als Festlegen
Workshop on theoretical and ethical aspects of lying, Zurich, March
2018: Kann eine Frage eine Lüge sein?
Lecture in series wahr und falsch, Zurich, March